Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Faceberry Addict.....

It's just unbelievable!! Last year I begin receiving emails from friends telling me to view their photos on FaceBook. When I realized I had to create an account in order to view the pictures I opted out. It wasn't until January of this year at a family function one of my cousins asked me if I was on FaceBook, I responded no I am not. She says well if you want to see pictures of everyone and their kids you need to get on. So, finally after a few days I created a FaceBook account, and whadda ya was like the entire world was logged onto FaceBook.

I began finding old friends, new friends, people that I thought disappeared off the face of the earth, and of course those that I really didn't care to find, but found me! :( Well needless to say it's been almost 6 months, and I must admit.....I am addicted to facebook. It's gotten so bad that I have the application on my blackberry (which was already an addiction), and I am constantly checking every one's status, responding to wall posts, and creating drama. All at the same time on FaceBook, and I love it........

We also have a name for ourselves, and it's called FaceBerry Addicts! It's a phenomenon. I am commenting on people's status, viewing pix, responding to another email, learning all the computer jargon, and just getting so caught up with it all, I do not know what time, or how much time I have spent on FaceBook, or my Blackberry. I am on there when i wake up in the morning, in route to work, @ the office, in route home, before dinner, after dinner, in the bed, and it's ridiculous that in the middle of the night, one eye closed, one eye opened, on my way to the bathroom I am checking for last minute updates.....HELP SOMEBODY!

A few months ago Oprah had the founder, and mastermind of FaceBook on her show, and I could not believe that I am like 10 years older than this young Jock, and he's a Billionaire over night, and I have contributed to his success, TREMENDOUSLY! So what am I to do?

I need the world to give me some feedback, what do you think, how will we survive this madness? I mean I am in the field of addiction, and I know the signs, if these are not it than what else is there? My hands have suffered to the point that I have to constantly get massages, and use soothing rubbing creams on them to alleviate the pain from the constant tapping on the keyboard, or cell phone. I realize that this is a choice that I have made, and I need to do something before it totally gets out of hand. But What? I really am entertained, and I enjoy entertaining others as well.

So I am cooking up something, and as soon as I put it together, I will let you all know. I am open to feedback, and appreciate you all stopping by to read my blog!